I also started law school this fall. My goals are (1) to improve the way in which our society responds to crime, particularly for mentally ill defendants, and (2) to improve our health care system, particularly for mentally ill patients.
I was able to visit Andrea this summer, and she is doing well, all things considered. She is in a state hospital, and she has been medically stable for five years.
hey Rusty, glad to hear your family is doing well. I'm happy to hear that Andrea is well. When is she gonna be released from the hospital? Well anyway good luck in that you do. How is law school going for you? I'm planning to go back to school in January. I'm planning to major in English. If you want to email me my email is Corny1026@gmail.com
Ana Cornell
Hi Rusty-my name is Mitch and I live in Seabrook. I've lived in the Clear Lake area since 1992. I have an 11 yr-old daughter named Kaitlyn and a 3 yr-old son named Colten. I remember June 20, 2001 like it was yesterday. At that time, I lived in THE HUNTLEY apts. on El Dorado. A couple of days after the terrible, terrible tradgedy, I drove by your house on Beachcomber to drop off 5 stuffed angels to add to the memorial. I guess the fact that I only lived 1 mile from y'all, the news hit me harder than it would've had it happened in a far off place. I'm glad to have read that you have a new family. I have a brother named Mark. Another coincidence is that my dad's birthday is February 26 like Noah's. Rusty, I know it has been 8 and a half years, but I want you to know that what you've been through and how you've been able to move ahead makes you one of the toughest men on earth. I truely mean that. I also agree 100 percent that our present constrictions on health and mental healthcare needs to be reformed. I'm a Christian, so I firmly believe that your precious kids are with our Heavenly Father and that he has already forgiven Andrea. I'm glad to hear that she's doing well [stable]. We as God's children are not to judge, as it clearly states in the Bible. I hope this finds you well and keep on keeping on Rusty. Have a blessed day, Mitch Meier.
I'm glad you moved on. I feel for Andrea. None of this would have happened if she wasn't pushed so hard. I hope you learned from your mistakes.
I had been writing Andrea some time back but have lost touch over the past 3 or so years. Can you please help me get back in touch with her. She wrote amazing letters !!!
Also, I am happy to see that you have pressed forward. And a new child ? CONGRATS !
I am so happy to learn that God has blessed you with a beautiful new wife and child! :-) That's great! You deserve a new beginning.
Hi Rusty:
We met at the PSI conf. in Texas in '08. I practiced law before I had PPP. I saw that you are going to law school and wanted to wish you luck. You have a fairly unique opportunity to make a positive difference regarding treatment of the mentally ill. I'm glad you are on a course to make the most of that opportunity.
Teresa Twomey
Why do you still go and see her?
Hello Rusty,
It is striking to look back on the years since 2006 and see resilience.
Belated congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your son and on entering law school.
I am happy to hear that Andrea continues to remain stable and hope your extended families are thriving as well.
A letter has been forwarded to me from a prosecuting attorney in Stafford County Virginia. He is scheduled to give a presentation on the insanity defense to other prosecutors in Spring 2010 and would like to consult the transcript of Texas v. Andrea Yates.
When we last talked, you had been diligently posting as much of the transcript on line as possible. Is that resource still available?
Best regards,
Suzanne O
Hi, Im crystal and im 17 yrs. its 10:30 here in maryland and i just finished watching an episode of deadly: mothers on i.d. discovery and Andrea was featured on it. I had heard about the case many times but never really got details. People who told me always said it was you who drove her to that stage because he was controlling. But i've read every blog and i completely disagree with that. wow, you cannot believe how i felt when i looked at all the pics of your family after the show. It just made me shiver. your children were so beautiful and precious and seemed to have lived a good life, thank to you guys. I feel terrible for Andrea and what she must be going through right now, but im glad she's stable. But most of all, i admire you. You are a strong man for supporting your wife through all of this. God is truly working through you and has forgiven Andrea. I'm happy that you continued with your life and that you and your wife have a little boy. God bless you and your family. My prayers are with you all and your five little angels in heaven.
Rusty ... I check in to your website periodically to see how you are doing and I'm happy to learn that you are attending law school to help the plight of the mentally ill. I am a licensed mental health counselor in the state of FL and was very moved and inspired by the compassion you showed your ex-wife during the time of the tragedy. Good luck and best wishes.
Carol Lynn Kane, LMHC
Amiable brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
I have a very deep respect for you. You are a very strong person. You handled everything so well. I hope you are still in lawschool fighting for your cause. Good luck and hugs.
Hey Rusty, I'm happy to learn that you are doing well. How is little Mark? Congrats on law school and everything thing that you do in life. I wish you luck. I'm happy to learn that Andrea is doing well. I'm hoping to write to her because I have a few questions about the case that i really don't understand and I'm kinda hoping you could give me her contact information please. Thanks Rusty.
Ana Cornell
I am a mother of 5 living in east Texas and just happened upon the book titled "Are You There Alone". I got to the last chapter and found the web address to your site. I don't remember much of the tragedy and trial because during that time of my life, I was immersed in a story of my own. My sister who had never been "officially" diagnosed with bipolar or mood disorder, had just called me and told me to "come get them or I will kill them", referring to her then 2 and 5 year old children. I did and three months later, she was killed in an car accident. Her kids are 2 of my 5 and the older of the two is currently in a state mental institution and the other is suffering from early onset bipolar, ADHD, mood disorder NOS, rule out.... The diagnosis changes with each doctor we see and even then, the 45 to 60 minutes spent via teleconference with the psychiatrist is severely inadequate at best. I was actually told by one "professional" when I was desperately seeking placement for my nephew just before his attack on me (for which charges are pending for felony aggravated assault) that it would be best if we moved back to PA because the mental health system in Texas is the worst in the United States! I am sorry, I tend to get passionate when I start to tell the story because it has affected each of us to varying degrees. I am on second marriage and he too finds this life of dealing with mental illness exasperating. I know that we are truly not given more than we can handle and hope to use what I have and will learn as these two become adults to help others. I commend you for your fortitude and wish you the best in your pursuit to bring about change. Good luck and congratulations. You are an inspiration to others who care for a loved one with mental illness.
Persecution is Satan's way. All of Christs disciples, after His death, were persecuted. You have endured well Russell Yates. To have the worst possible thing happen, losing your family,it is obvious you are innocent of any accusations. Your life has been blessed with another family. I am personally so happy for you it makes me cry. I cry for Andrea also. This was not anyones fault.( except perhaps the Doctors)
Hej Rusty! I am from Poland and i am in shock...
Today 15 min ago.. i was watch my TV and ... eh... i'm sorry
i dont know English very good but can read here that Adrea is well.
I am 21 years but i dont like a Amerikan's human rights.
I interesed What she tell you, what she thing now... but i hope you dont thing about this anymore;(
We Polish ppl have some other reflection. I am Interesed what did hapen with "Woroniecki"?
All of service internet says " We dont know motive a Crime" But on Tv on program i can see a cam with "Woroniecki" when he say this, woroniecki say that...
This program is old i know.
i have one milion questions to you .... but i hope you are happy now;)
My English sukcs, sorry for that.
When you looked here pls Write me ((Vandit4@interia.pl))if you can.. Say me you are happy ;) This is affair even now for me...
Sure. Let us believe the children are in heaven and she has been forgiven... poor her. She took the lives of children. The most innocent of all innocent. And I suppose all you bible thumpers believe she will end up floating around in heaven, why? Mental illness? Not enough time off? etc etc. What a sad state man has fallen. To instead blame others for ones atrocities. There is no excuse. I have only one child, 7 months, and I could see nothing beyond the loss of him, and I would take everyone with me responsible. I have a view most do not, I served my country, I've done things I will regret forever, but to hurt my being I created, I would not be able to go on. Either you are by far stronger than I or you have a faith beyond what I can comprehend. But I have seen what man at his most real is and it is a sickness we all live blindly hoping that sickness never happens to us, because when it does we are never ready. I feel no need to apologize to say that I hate this woman for what she has done, and nothing on earth could ever change that opinion. And if it was my wife... I would do exactly as I've said. I do not understand you, but in a way I am glad there are people like you... and me.
I know you will disagree with what I say, but this is my perspective. Even though Andrea was "mentally ill", "possessed", or whatever you want to call it, I believe she needs to be held accountable for the murders. This was pre-meditated murder of not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE innocent children. Lets first think about what these children went through the last moments of their lives - if you can even fathom that. Regardless of what state the murderer was in, they need to be held accountable, and not just brushed off as "not guilty by reason of insanity". If a drunk driver hits and kills someone, is that "not guilty by reason of intoxication of alcohol"? Can you understand my point? Ever since reading this book, I cannot get these evil images out of my mind of what occurred to these precious, precious, innocent children. My heart aches and yearns for the pain that they went through. Their pain is suspended in time, because they will never BE again. How can someone mentally ill think of such things the day before, even the month before, and not have an intention to do such a thing? If my husband was this mentally ill, I would NEVER leave him alone with my 2 children. My son is 7 yrs old (the same as Noah when he was murdered), and my daughter is 3. Andrea was insane, but somehow she remembered not to hurt herself? That is amazing. An insane person thinking rationally. To all five children who were murdered, I love you and I wish someone would have been there to stop her.
Can I write to Andrea? I just finished the book, and am touched by the events.
I am praying for you and your new family. Congrats on the new baby.
Hi Rusty, I am very very far away from Texas. I guess when I get homesick I surf the internet to see news from home and you and your family came to mind. I am intrigued that you are going for a law degree. Good for you! I am a civilian deployed with the Army Corps of Engineers, 7 years now. I KNOW your engineering background will give you a leg up on your studies. And wow, what a perspective you will have. Best, best....best of luck with everything.
Mr. Yates,
Thank you for sharing the photos and home videos of your family.
I didn't know about this accident until recently. I am very sorry.
I tell myself I can't keep living in one small room and never let anyone in. Not knowing if you keep up with these comments anymore, it's still worth a try.
Thank you for studying the laws that surround mental illness. Thank you for visiting Andrea in the mental institution. I have a mental health concern and for one brief moment I would like to get your advice on something that might be frivolous. Hopefully not though.
You have to move on and live your life.You have suffered incredible pain but you can't keeping looking back.I am so glad that you have met someone else, have a son and have changed careers to do something you feel passionately about.Enjoy the rest of your life.
Hi Rusty,
I just finished reading the book "Are You There Alone". It is so sad that your beautiful family was destroyed because of Andrea's mental illness and lack of correct diagnosis, medication and care. I'm sure you did everything you could at the time not knowing how severe it really was.
I wonder how Andrea is doing to day, 11/1/11. The sad part is if Andrea ever became completely healthy, she wouldn't be able to live with the tragedy. If only the doctors who incorrectly diagnosed and didn't follow through to see that Andrea was getting better could be punished, perhaps some of these imcompetent doctors would loose their licenses.
I'm happy you have moved on and have another son.I'm sure you will tell him about his beautiful brothers and sister. If only some doctors cared more about their patients than the dollar, perhaps Andrea would have received the correct medication she needed to live a productive life. God be with you, your new family, Andrea and Noah,John, Paul, Luke, Mary.
Bless you,
Hi Rusty!
I agree with Katreena Reyna's post. I think if i was in that situation i would have snapped while drowning the first child and said...OMG What am i doing?? Or OMG What have i just done?? But Andrea kept drowning one after another after another.How the hell could she have not known right from wrong? I will never understand. The Texas system sucks. Andrea should of been charged with murder in the first degree!
You have moved on and have a new family now,why still keep Andrea in your life? Live your life and be happy with your new family.John,Luke,Paul,Noah and baby Mary are all together as Gods Little Angels and probably smiling down at you.
Hi Rusty, not sure if you check this blog anymore, but just wanted to let you know there are still people that pray for you, your new family and the family that is no longer with you, including continued prayers for Andrea. No one should have to go through what you both went through. Satan and mental illness can wreak havoc on personal relationships as well as the world. I also pray that you continue to have a close relationship with God.
I just read and saw something on the tv about this horrible thing. I cannot stop crying for those children. They did not know they will never know their mum was sick. They died a horrible death full of cruelty they did not understand. My god! This shouldn t have happened!! It s plain madness. Also hearing about the struggle of Noah what a cruelty did he endure. I am sorry if this opens wounds but it s the truth! My body aches and my heart and soul burns. There is no consolidation. None. Yes depression but planning murder with such cruelty? Even in crisis situations a person benefits of verbal contact medicine are not per se required. So yes she brought all the evil in her drown this innocent children. Even if it is due to illness this woman was capable of such a crime and she proved it! Yes it is a crime.
To the people who think an insane person would "snap out of it" while drowning the first child... I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, if she's gone to the point of beginning to drown her own child, it sounds like there's no turning back. "Snapping out of it", or at least delaying it, happens before the children are in any immediate danger. Sadly, once the first child was killed, she probably had more resolve to kill the rest because, to her, now there was no turning back. It's really discusting.
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