Monday, September 24, 2007


Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting started with this, so please be patient. My intention is to start this blog when I launch the updated website that includes a lot of stories about my children.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Yates. How you doing? I saw the updated version of yateskids

Welsh Philosopher said...

Hi MR Y ,
Just wanted to say i think your dedication site to your kids is amazing & I think its amazing how you can have and semblance of life after what you have been through.

You should be very proud of yourself for that ,
all the best for the future


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your surviving family. I cannot even begin to imagine the anquish you have felt. I just wanted you to know that people haven't forgotten about you and your family. There are many of us who often wonder how things are going for you. Are you happy? Can there be happiness after such a tradegy. My thoughts would be that yes, you can be happy again but it's only by the grace of God.

Please take care and find some little comfort in knowing that you are thought about.


Anonymous said...

Depuis cet événement malheureux, je puise mes énergies dans votre histoire. PLein de questions encore: pourquoi, quel est ce malaise de psychose post partum, etc.
J'ai toutefois beaucoup de compassion pour la mère qui,a son réveil,a du vivre cette réalité.
Bonne chances à vous, j'envoie beaucoup dee prières pour vos 5 anges!
Québec (Canada)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusty;
What a great idea starting a blog site. I think that from every negative there is a positive and this is very constructive and beneficial to others out there.
As stated you should be proud of yourself and the example you set for others out there. God bless.

Dotchi Anni said...

What a wonderful tribute site to your children and your family. You must be a very strong soul to carry such a heavy burden. But the site was so touching and I really felt the warmth and love from it :)

Anonymous said...

You had had another website that included what was going on with Andera.... Do you have that anymore and if not, how has she been doing?

Anonymous said...

Mr Yates, thanks for having sites like this when families can learn more about this kind of woman illneses, and understand a little bit what we (woman) go through after the childbirth experience.
God bless you and help you find the peace you need.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your family. Your children are beautiful. Your children and Andrea will be in my prayers. My the peace of the lord be with you. Stay strong and keep your faith.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Yates I just want to thank you for sharing this website with
others. I admire your strengh and
hope the future will bring you serenity and happiness. I was married to a bipolar for many years and can sympathize. God bless you...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

to the last blog--do your research--million dollar trial--experts--in jail on the wrong medication diagnosed with the wrond disease--THIS is our system-who??? is at fault-god bless those babies!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

People always tend to forget the good and remember the bad, Keep your head up and remember the Good because im sure many people would love to see you fall, God bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusty, I just found this new site. I hope you are doing well. I really admire the way you are building a new life without forgetting about Andrea, and your precious children. It must be hard at times. I pray for you and your family. How is Andrea doing?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusty, Just wanted to say, I think both of your sites are a wonderfull and caring thing to do. I hope you are doing well, and I would like to know how Andrea is doing. It is great that you are supporting her,still. And your new wife must be a good and kind person to understand what you are doing. God Bless both of you,and Andrea,too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rusty,Just wanted to congratulate you and your wife on your new baby. I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not I just got done reading a book about your family. Before I read it I do have to admit that although I had heard of the case I did not pay much attention to it. In fact I think the reason I ignored what was in the media is because they made it all seem so awful. I am not saying it wasn't, but. I am a parent who has lost a child, not due to violence but to nature, it hurts no less.
I commend you on the fact that you stood by your wife throught all of the trials and such, but as I was reading things online I ran across something that mentioned that ou divorced her and remarried. Why? After everything you have gone through just to let her go, I don't understand it. Maybe I am missing a part that I should find, but both of you lost these children, both of you need eachother.

Good luck in life and I hope all comes out right in the end.

Anonymous said...

I was Wikipedia'ing around and ran a page about the whole tragedy, and I eventually came across your pages. As I read them, I felt terribly hurt about the whole situation, which made me realize something. I was still young when I had first heard about it, and like many, dismissed it as another unfortunate event that happens in this world. I can't say I'm fully matured yet, but I can say that my life experiences between when I first heard about it and now changed my attitude about this whole thing. I wasn't able to begin to understand the magnitude of the whole thing then because I wasn't a parent, and still young. I'm still not, but I'm a school teacher for early care education. I work with kids that were of your children's age. It's funny in retrospect that I would develop such a strong attachment towards these kids--kids I had spent watching grow from an infant to an independent toddler. It only got me thinking to how I would feel if anything were to happen to those how devastated I would be. And how much worse I would feel if it were my own.

I could never comprehend what you had to go through. And still have to go through. My heart aches just thinking about it, but it also smiles knowing that you are living your life and doing the best that you can. Not only for yourself, but for your family. I have only spent about half an hour reading up about you (in a very non-stalking manner), and I already see you as living proof that you can always pick yourself back up in the face of anything.

Anonymous said...

I suffered from PPPsychosis, looking back it was the most horrific time for my family and my little baby. My baby is now one year old, but when he was just days/weeks old I was convinced he was the devil and little demons were living inside him and no one could see them except me. This was just one of my many symptoms. I live in the UK and was rushed to the psychiatric ward and looked after there, but it could have turned out so so different and there was absolutely nothing my husband could have done to make it better. I was interested to read about your attachment theory thoughts, I care for my son in every way I can as I feel I have to and have to put on a front for everyone that I am this loving mother, but to be honest, I have no bond with him at all he is well cared for and loved by the rest of the family but I feel this illness robbed me of the important bonding time with my baby, I hope one day It will feel different. As an aside, I had hyperemisis gravidarum during pregnancy, my mother was seriously ill at the end of my pregnancy and I had to nurse her and the birth was the most horrendous & frightening experience of my life (delivery suite was like an abbatoir - so much blood) I think a combination of these factors may have contributed to triggering the PP Psychosis.
I wish you all the best and hope my story may inform others of this serious illness and its awful effects. x

Anonymous said...

I suffered from PPPsychosis, looking back it was the most horrific time for my family and my little baby. My baby is now one year old, but when he was just days/weeks old I was convinced he was the devil and little demons were living inside him and no one could see them except me. This was just one of my many symptoms. I live in the UK and was rushed to the psychiatric ward and looked after there, but it could have turned out so so different and there was absolutely nothing my husband could have done to make it better. I was interested to read about your attachment theory thoughts, I care for my son in every way I can as I feel I have to and have to put on a front for everyone that I am this loving mother, but to be honest, I have no bond with him at all he is well cared for and loved by the rest of the family but I feel this illness robbed me of the important bonding time with my baby, I hope one day It will feel different. As an aside, I had hyperemisis gravidarum during pregnancy, my mother was seriously ill at the end of my pregnancy and I had to nurse her and the birth was the most horrendous & frightening experience of my life (delivery suite was like an abbatoir - so much blood) I think a combination of these factors may have contributed to triggering the PP Psychosis.
I wish you all the best and hope my story may inform others of this serious illness and its awful effects. x

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading most of your posts (from this site and the site about your and I'm so sorry to say that when I first heard about this case..well..I was hateful. I couldn't believe that a mother would or could do such a thing and then I read some sites saying some bad things about you, Mr. Yates and thought negatively about you as well...I know now that people can say some very hateful and untrue things. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry and that I'm praying for your family. Please forgive my rash thoughts and please keep updating your blog.